Friday, July 20, 2012

5k a day Challenge Finished

So it took me a while to write this because, honestly, I was lazy.  My 5k a Day Challenge ended July 1st and it was a success and failure at the same time.  I managed to complete the minimum miles required by the challenge but failed to meet my personal goal of 100 miles.  I finished with 96.45 miles.  Now many people would say, "you only had 3.5 miles let, why didn't you finish?", and I asked myself that question as well.  The entire month of June my legs were in pain.  My body was not accustomed to running so much.  I usually average around 50 miles per month.  So I almost doubled my mileage for June.  That's a lot to do.  I fought shin splints and knee pain from wee 2 till the end.  That being said, I am proud of myself for completing the task that I set myself to and would fully recommend others do the same.  Set a goal for yourself and finish it.  It is a very fulfilling feeling.  Now that this is over, it;s time for a new pair of running shoes.  My Nike Air Pegasus +28's have served me well but are way over the mileage that they should be replaced at.  They will be retired to the walking and OCR shoe pile and the oldest pair will be donated at the next race.  I will follow up this article with a review of my Air Pegasus +28's as well as whatever new pair of shoe I get.


1 comment:

  1. I dont care what you think but you did amazing! You worked so hard every day at this.
